Saturday, 4 August 2018

Skin Treatment - Skin Pro in bhubaneswar

Every person desires flawless clear skin and perfect complexion. But factors such as free radicals, hormonal changes and sun exposure can damage your skin texture leading to patchy pigmentation and dark spots, making you look older.

Pigmentation is basically the presence of dark (hyperpigmentation) or light (hypopigmentation) patches on the skin. It is a commonly observed concern. It is not life-threatening, but it can definitely give sleepless nights to those who desire a clear and even skin tone.

Our skin has melanocytes. These are cells that produce pigment called melanin which gives skin its color. The number of melanocytes present in our skin determines our skin colour. Melanin apart from giving skin its color, protects our skin from the damaging effects of sun radiation. The more our skin is exposed to sunrays, the more melanin is produced by melanocytes. This excess melanin is then deposited under the skin, which leads to skin tan, darker patches or pigmentation.

Another reason for pigmentation can be hormonal imbalance, usually triggered during pregnancy or by using birth pills. This condition is termed as melasma. Other reasons include acne and skin concerns like dermatitis, eczema etc.

Pigmentation can be classified into epidermal (superficial), dermal (deep), and mixed. So, basis how severe the skin problem, we can recommend the right pigmentation treatment which will be a combination of chemical peels or lasers to say goodbye to pigmentation.

At Aesthetica, we believe that a holistic approach is necessary and crucial in treating and controlling further pigmentation. Its root cause is present deep within the skin, hence needs guidance and treatment from an expert dermatologist. We at Aesthetica, offer specialized services that include highly effective ingredients and technologies. These services are explicitly preferred for their exceptional properties that help correct tan, pigmentation, dark spots and age spots, giving you a clearer and radiant complexion.

We suggest to step into an Aesthetica clinic, where our expert dermatologists can carry out a thorough skin analysis to understand the lifestyle and diagnosed cause of your pigmentation.

Skin fixing is the following advantageous strategy that a Best skin clinic in Bhubaneswar can oversee legitimately keeping in mind the end goal to offer you an extraordinary and energetic look. Your skin begins to hang down and this can likewise make the correct call for wrinkles and lines. When this happens, a man can look extremely old than his genuine age.

Best Laser treatment in Bhubaneswar can direct measure and skin fixing like techniques effectively. Both these strategies can be directed to offer you an incredible and energetic look by and by.

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