Best Skin Clinic in Bhubaneswar, India

Best Skin Clinic in Bhubaneswar, India

Aesthetica Clinics, who specialises in skin care, is the best Dermatologist in Odisha, India. We offers cosmetic surgery procedures such acne and pimples, moles, warts, scars, rosacea, birthmarks, wrinkles, age spots or liver spots, skin texture or tone improvement, large pores, sun damage, under eye dark circles/spots etc.

Skin Care Clinic and Dermatologist in Odisha, India

Skin Care Clinic and Dermatologist in Odisha, India

Aesthetica Clinics is the top skin care clinic in India which has some of the best skin doctors in Bhubaneswar trained to provide a wide range of Skin treatments.

Best Cosmetic Clinic in Odisha, India

Best Cosmetic Clinic in Odisha, India

Aesthetica Clinics is the best clinic in Bhubaneswar, India for cosmetic surgery with a team of top surgeons who take care of patients. Call us now 9937077778

Best Hair Transplant  Clinic in India

Best Hair Transplant Clinic in India

Aesthetica Clinics is one of the best hair transplant clinic in India, which is providing hair transplant services at an affordable price with advanced techniques.

Follicular Unit Transplantation

Follicular Unit Transplantation

Follicular unit transplantation is also known as strip harvesting. Follicular unit refers to hair follicle and surrounding tissue. Each unit can contain 1-4 hairs and exit scalp from a single point. In FUT, a strip of skin is taken from the back of scalp by the surgeon and the two edges are sutured. Under the microscope, dissection of follicular units is done from the strip of scalp. These follicular units are then implanted in the balding area after making slits.

Friday, 15 November 2019

Get Best Hair Transplant Procedure in Bhubaneswar

Hair a loss could be a terribly troubling thought for everybody since thick shiny hair is that the epitome of health and youth. Hair loss happens due to a mixture of various factors like family history or biological science, aging, stress, un-healthily very, or modification...

Tuesday, 22 October 2019

A General Manual for service, treatment, and Cost Of Hair Transplant Clinic In Bhubaneswar

Balding can be brought about by a few components. While maturing is one of the essential explanation for the customary male pattern baldness; some different variables like terrible eating routine, stress, sickness, hormonal unevenness, and extreme meds are likewise liable...

Tuesday, 27 August 2019

Get Best Hair Transplant Clinic in India with advance care

The Direct Hair Transplantation method is the most developed system of hair transplantation, which includes the keen procedure of all the while extricating and embedding the hair. The system is the most present-day alteration of the mainstream FUE procedure. Best Hair Transplant...

Wednesday, 24 April 2019

Best Hair Transplant Surgeons in India

Hair transplant is a modern process for restoring men's and women's hair loss issues. Aesthetica Clinics provide successful services for hair loss treatment and reach the top place to become a hair transplant clinic in India. Aesthetica Clinics provide service through highly trained...

Tuesday, 9 April 2019

Best Hair Transplant Clinic in India with Advanced Methods

Do you suffer from embarrassment due to hair baldness or hair loss problem? Then, it is advisable to search for the best hair transplant clinic in India. Hair Fall is an exceptionally regular issue that can be seen in both men and women. As long as your age increases, the...

Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Find the best Hair Transplant surgery in India

On the off chance that hair loss isn't dealt with well, it turns into a perpetual impact. In a few conditions, hair loss is ostensible to medium. The treatment isn't required in the event that you are alright with your look. The mellow treatment is given by drug to male just...

Tuesday, 5 March 2019

How to Choose the Best Hair Transplant Clinic in India

Each man needs thick hair; additionally, the lady needs lovely and thick hair. Hair falling is the most well-known issue from which numerous people are confronting. The vast majority of the general populations trust that hair loss is because of progress in climate yet it isn't...

Friday, 22 February 2019

Some Tips of primary skin concerns from Our Dermatologists

While you by and large have one skin type, you can have numerous skin concerns. These conditions can come or go, change or advance. Whatever that is irritating you, we have a skin treatment to handle it. As the Best Skin Clinic in Bhubaneswar, Aesthetica has got an experienced...